إِنَّ الدِّينَ عِنـدَ اللّهِ الإِسْلاَمُ
"Indeed, the (only) Deen in the sight of Allah is Islam" -- Quran 3:19
Articles & Blog
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- Tawheed
Allah (swt) described Himself with beautiful Names and Attributes. These attributes are unique to Him. And no one is similar to Him in anyways. He (swt) is not like anything that the mind can imagine. Allah (swt) said: لَيْسَ كَمِثْلِهِ شَيْءٌ “There is nothing like Him”. This is usually referred to as توحيدالآسمأوالصفات (Tawheed-al-Asma-wa-Sifaat)
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- Tawheed
The Prophet (ﷺ) defined Iman as: “Faith (الإيمان) has over seventy branches or over sixty branches, the most excellent of which is the declaration that there is no god but Allah, and the humblest of which is the, removal of what is injurious from the path: and modesty is the branch of faith”. [Hadith]
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- Tawheed
Taghoot (طاغوت) is not just a problem in our day and age, rather it’s a phenomenon that existed ever since Satan refused to obey Allah (swt) and became the first rebel.
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- Tazkiya an-Nafs
Relationship between Pillars of Islam & development of excellent moral & character: Good Moral and Ethics are deeply rooted into Islamic Teachings, both in أصل الدين and فروع. The Prophet (ﷺ) said “I have been sent to perfect the noble qualities of character” [Muwatta Malik]. Islamic Shariah focuses heavily on Tazkiya Nafs (تزكية النفس – cleansing of inner self) and character building. This article attempts to explain 5 main Pillars of Islam and then relate them to Good Character building and Ethics. Five Pillars include Tawheed (Believe in Oneness of Allah), Salat (prayers), Zakat (Charity), Sawm (Fasting), and Hajj (Pilgrimage to Makkah).
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- Tazkiya an-Nafs
Discusses fundamental principles behind Islamic civilization and understand ultimate goal of human being in light of Islamic principles. It then discusses that status of human in this universe to establish the link between Ethical code and our ultimate goal and purpose. It discusses the purpose of our existence, and our relationship with Universe and the creator of Universe, namely Allah (swt). It provides the historical background and purpose of our creation, and provides high level guideline of our objective and goals on this earth.
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- Tazkiya an-Nafs
Establishes strong links of high moral standards and ethics to the Deen (System) of Islam. Briefly discusses main pillars of Islam. Including Tawheed (Believe in Oneness of Allah), Salah (prayers), Zakat (Charity), Sawn (Fasting), Hajj (Pilgrimage to Makkah) and their relationship with building good ethics, moral standards and character building. It explains the meaning of uttering words “la illah illa allah” and the responsibilities after a person proclaims shahada. It then further creates a clear connection between every pillar of Islam and its impact on our character, and how slowly these pillars transforms an ignorant person to highly personified and civilized human being.
More Articles …
- Pillars of Islam & Ethics (5)
- Pillars of Islam & Ethics (3)
- Israa and Miraj (الإسراء والمعراج)
- Inheritance in Islam (1)
- Importance of Sunnah (أهمية السنة النبوية في حياة المسلمين)
- Inheritance in Islam (7)
- Rights of Spouses and issues in joint family system (2)
- Doing good deeds on behalf of others
- Asking from the dead
- Understanding Sunnah (فهم السنة النبوية)
- Rights of Spouses and issues in joint family system (1)
- Inheritance in Islam (6)
- Hajj, sacrifice, cutting of hairs and nails
- Inheritance in Islam (2)
- Tawidhah (تعويذة - an amulet worn for protection)
- Importance of sunnah by Companions (صحابة)
- Inheritance in Islam (5)
- Inheritance in Islam (4)
- Inheritance in Islam (3)
- Reasons for unhealthy relationship between West & Islam
- Ramadan & Fasting
- Celebrating Birthday of Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him)
- Sir Syed Ahmed Khan's religious view
- Tracing roots of Sufism
- Riba is Outlawed
- Difference between Biddah, Public Interest and Sunnah
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