إِنَّ الدِّينَ عِنـدَ اللّهِ الإِسْلاَمُ
"Indeed, the (only) Deen in the sight of Allah is Islam" -- Quran 3:19
Articles & Blog
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- Tawheed
Islam is a complete way of life. It is based on the guidance provided by Allah (swt), who is the Creator of the Universe. It covers all aspects of life, it tells us Purpose of our creation, our place among other creatures, our Final Destiny. It shows us way to conduct ourselves publicly and privately, It shows us way to deal with social, political, moral and spiritual affairs, It teaches us economics and transactions, It teaches us governance and administration.
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- Tawheed
Creed of Ahle-Sunnah (منهج أهل السنة والجماعة)
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- Tawheed
Allah (swt) is the Hakim الحاكم . He is the supreme Legislator. All commands, judgement or legislation belongs to Allah (swt).
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- Tawheed
Islam is a complete way of life. It is based on the guidance provided by Allah (swt), who is the Creator of the Universe. It covers all aspects of life, it tells us Purpose of our creation, our place among other creatures, our Final Destiny. It shows us way to conduct ourselves publicly and privately, It shows us way to deal with social, political, moral and spiritual affairs, It teaches us economics and transactions, It teaches us governance and administration.
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- Tawheed
Allah (swt) described Himself with beautiful Names and Attributes. These attributes are unique to Him. And no one is similar to Him in anyways. He (swt) is not like anything that the mind can imagine. Allah (swt) said: لَيْسَ كَمِثْلِهِ شَيْءٌ “There is nothing like Him”. This is usually referred to as توحيدالآسمأوالصفات (Tawheed-al-Asma-wa-Sifaat)
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- Tawheed
The understanding of Deen can be dividend in two Components or two branches of Deen, 1) The Core (Tawheed) 2) The Branches (Fiqh)
More Articles …
- Al-Ibadah (عبادة)
- Allah (swt) is the creator
- Taghoot (طاغوت)
- Pillars of Islam & Ethics (4)
- Pillars of Islam & Ethics (1)
- Pillars of Islam & Ethics (3)
- Pillars of Islam & Ethics (2)
- Pillars of Islam & Ethics (5)
- Israa and Miraj (الإسراء والمعراج)
- Rights of Spouses and issues in joint family system (1)
- Inheritance in Islam (7)
- Inheritance in Islam (3)
- Asking from the dead
- Understanding Sunnah (فهم السنة النبوية)
- Inheritance in Islam (2)
- Inheritance in Islam (5)
- Hajj, sacrifice, cutting of hairs and nails
- Rights of Spouses and issues in joint family system (2)
- Inheritance in Islam (1)
- Importance of Sunnah (أهمية السنة النبوية في حياة المسلمين)
- Importance of sunnah by Companions (صحابة)
- Inheritance in Islam (4)
- Tawidhah (تعويذة - an amulet worn for protection)
- Inheritance in Islam (6)
- Doing good deeds on behalf of others
- Ramadan & Fasting
- Difference between Biddah, Public Interest and Sunnah
- Riba is Outlawed
- Tracing roots of Sufism
- Sir Syed Ahmed Khan's religious view
- Celebrating Birthday of Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him)
- Reasons for unhealthy relationship between West & Islam
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